Get Online Week - Eventholder Feedback 


This is a survey to gather feedback on your organisation’s experience of Get Online Week 2024 (14th - 20th October). Your responses will help us evaluate the success of this year’s Get Online Week campaign, and understand how we can improve the support we provide during campaigns in the future. 

Your responses may also be used to inform our reports for strategic partners and donors, and our external impact reports. All of your responses will be kept anonymous in these reports. 

The survey will be open to complete until 12pm on Monday 4th November, 2024. It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

If you complete this survey your organisation will be included in a prize draw, with a chance to win one of three prizes, to help buy digital equipment for your organisation: 

  • 1 x £500 Currys gift card, 

  • 2 x £250 Currys gift cards.

The winning organisations will be chosen at random from those who complete the survey (only one survey entry per organisation will be included in the draw).

Only authorised people at Good Things Foundation can see your answers. We will never share or publish your answers in any way that would allow you to be identified. Any data that is shared with our funding partners or other external audiences will be anonymised and aggregated, so it won’t be possible for anyone to know your identity.

We will keep your answers for two years and then delete them. Until then, we will store your answers in a secure way. We will also follow data protection and privacy laws. Our privacy policy is available online at

If you are happy to participate in this survey on behalf of your organisation, please continue to the questions.

About your organisation

Your Get Online Week event(s)

Attendee numbers

Please provide rough estimates for the below questions if you don't have the exact numbers available. 

Feedback on suport provided by Good Things 

18. How satisfied were you with the following aspects of support provided by Good Things Foundation for organising your Get Online Week event?
Very Satisfied Mostly Satisfied Neutral Mostly Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Not applicable

Impact of Get Online Week

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know / not applicable

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know / not applicable

Impact of Get Online Week (continued)

Thank you

Thank you very much for taking time to answer these questions. Your views are very important to us and will be used to shape our campaigns and support going forwards. Please click ‘submit’ below to finish the survey.